Vegan Cheese and Onion Bread

Delicious slathered with butter, stuffed with whatever filling you choose, or dipped in houmus, this vegan cheese and onion bread probably won’t last very long if your house is anything like ours!


400g strong white bread flour

1 tsp salt

1 sachet yeast

100g grated vegan cheese (we used Applewood smoky

Six spring onions, finely chopped

250ml warm water


If you want to make the bread the easy way, and you have a bread maker, you can make the dough in that.

Otherwise, combine the flour, yeast, and salt then gradually add the warm water to form a dough.

Add the cheese and onion and mix until they are well combined.

Put the dough, whether made by hand or in a bread maker, in a clean bowl and cover with a tea towel, leaving it somewhere warm until it has doubled in size.

Knead the dough a little more on a floured surface then add to your baking tin. Leave it another hour or so to rise further.

Bake in the oven at 180/220 C until it’s golden – this will usually take around 40 minutes.

Serve with butter and try not to eat it all at once!

If you like this, try our vegan fennel and olive rolls.